Climate Cooling

We keep you cooler longer

You can swim in the sea, have a cold shower or stand by the chillers at the supermarket, but this can only keep you cool for so long. At Climate, we offer air conditioning systems designed to keep you cool indoors for as long as you want, when you want.
Cooling is becoming increasingly popular as we become accustomed to driving in our air-conditioned cars and working in air-conditioned environments. After a day spent in these comfortable environments, a hot, muggy home feels particularly unpleasant. The most popular type of air conditioning (AC) unit in New Zealand is the heat pump, which are able to cool indoor air when working in their reverse cycle. They can be used as a standalone unit to cool one room or as part of a larger central climate system to provide relief throughout the entire home.

Reduce indoor temperature using a warm air ducted gas system

If you have a warm air ducted gas system, you can run the system on the fan only mode to recirculate the air in your home up to five times in an hour. This air movement creates a cooling effect inside your home.
You can further reduce the indoor temperature by adding a fresh air system, also known as “summer breeze”, to your ducted system. This works by drawing in outside air from the cooler side of your home. It won’t cool your house down as much as an air conditioning system, but it provides an excellent alternative to leaving your windows open at night.

Types of air conditioning to consider

We can provide cooling for single rooms (space cooling) or multiple rooms (central cooling), giving you total control of your indoor climate. We offer the following cooling options:

  • AC heat pump – a single unit that provides cooling for individuals room
  • AC heat pump multi-systems – a combination of indoor units that work off of one outdoor compressor unit to cool multiple rooms
  • Ducted air conditioning (heat pump) – system that delivers cool air to multiple rooms through ducts

Contact Us

If you would like to discuss a customised solution, please give us a call on 06 769 6410 or visit our showroom on Leach Street, New Plymouth. Alternatively, you can fill out our contact form to request that we get in touch with you.

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