CALL US WHEN THIS HAPPENS... we fix your plumbing
Te tiakina tō tātou hapori
As an organisation we work to safeguard our community with healthy indoor temperatures and quality air, safe water and effective sanitation.
Safeguarding our community
We do this by delivering expert services for heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, plumbing, gasfitting, and drainlaying, to make a positive impact on the living and working environments of the people in Taranaki.
We are the best known plumbing and heating business in Taranaki and after nearly 70 years in business, we believe our tenacity in providing solutions, that are cost-effective, fit for purpose, work well, and are safe to use, has had a positive impact on the productivity and wellbeing of the community we live in.
We also believe our employees are the foundation of our success.