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Gas Safety Tips

Mount your LPG detector just above floor level
LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) is heavier than air and will collect at the lowest spot available.

Mount your Carbon Monoxide at mid-level
CO (Carbon monoxide) is a highly poisonous gas produced by the incomplete burning of LPG. It is slightly lighter than air, which is why your detector should be placed higher, at least 1.5m above the floor.

Ventilate in two places to create flow
Your motorhome needs enough ventilation to keep air circulating so you can breath easy. You want fresh air to come in and moisture laden, stale air to go out. This will reduce mould, regulate the temperature, and combat unpleasant odours and pollutants. You need a vent at a low level and one at a high level to create the flow of air.

Avoid carbon monoxide poisoning
Never use your cooker as a heater. It is an unflued appliance that requires adequate ventilation. Your cooker is designed to be used for short durations while cooking only. Using it as a heater can cause excessive levels of CO in the confined space of your caravan, which can result in carbon monoxide poisoning.
Portable appliances such as heaters and lanterns must also never be used inside caravans or motorhomes as they create carbon monoxide gas as well.

Ensure your LPG bottles are safe and compliant

  • Only cylinders and their associated equipment are permitted in the cylinder compartment. Electrical equipment, batteries, or ignition sources must not be installed in the cylinder storage compartment.
  • Make sure there is low level ventilation in the compartment for any build up of LPG to escape.
  • Have the correct signage on the outside (LPG cylinder compartment label).
  • To secure your bottles, use a fixed non-elastic restraint around the bottles – not a bungy cord.
  • Never use damaged or corroded cylinders – this can lead to leaks and fire.
  • Never attempt to repair or remove cylinder valves.
  • Check the expiry date on your cylinders to make sure they are current.
  • When storing your caravan or motorhome, make sure you turn off the cylinder valve and then turn off all your appliances.
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